Category: Plumbing

When it comes to plumbing, nobody does it better than Plumbing Solutions. We have a wealth of knowledge on a range of topics related to plumbing, and we’ve done our best to provide answers to our customers’ most frequently asked questions through our blog posts. Learn more about home and commercial plumbing here!

the benefits of upgrading to a high-quality garbage disposal

The Benefits of Upgrading to a High-Quality Garbage Disposal

Proper waste management plays a critical role in ensuring a clean and healthy living environment. One often underestimated solution for waste disposal is a garbage disposal. Plumbing Solutions can assist you not only in selecting the right garbage disposal for your needs but also with installation, upkeep, and repairs. Our expertise and professional services ensure


does rusty water damage your hair?

Does Rusty Water Damage Your Hair?

Rusty water is a nuisance that also signifies a more severe underlying problem. If you have rust in your water, it damages your hair and causes health risks for your loved ones. Homeowners need to understand why rust appears in their water supply and what they can do about it. At Plumbing Solutions, we can


5 plumbing problems in newer homes

5 Plumbing Problems in Newer Homes

It’s quite clear that plumbing problems are quite common in many houses, specifically in newer homes. While some homeowners may choose to ignore such issues, it is important to be informed about the most typical plumbing problems in newer homes so that you can be prepared when they happen. That said, this post looks at


5 plumbing problems in older homes

5 Plumbing Problems in Older Homes

Older homes have an unapparelled charm that is hard to replicate. However, most times, that often comes with a price. Over the years, plenty of homeowners often up finding that their older properties have plenty of plumbing issue, which might require fixing. While a few of these issues are simple and can be taken care


is a home water softener worth it?

Is A Home Water Softener Worth It?

Due to the initial investment, many homeowners don’t think a water softener system in their home is worth it. However, if you are dealing with a number of water problems linked to hard water, a home water softener can be a worthwhile investment. While it’s always a good idea to be frugal with spending, a


does my home need a water pressure regulator?

Does My Home Need a Water Pressure Regulator?

Water pressure regulators, also known as a pressure-reducing valve, are important pieces of specialized plumbing that are important in many cases. The purpose of this valve is to reduce the pressure of water that comes into your house from a municipal source. High pressure levels in your main water line can lead to issues with


why did my home's water pressure suddenly fall?

Why Did My Home’s Water Pressure Suddenly Fall?

Having a sudden drop in the water pressure of your home can be a frustrating and inconvenient issue. There are a few common reasons why water pressure may drop suddenly. Depending on the issue at hand, the solution may require the assistance of a professional plumber. Faulty Fixtures Faulty plumbing usually manifests in a single


6 plumbing scams and how to avoid them

7 Plumbing Scams and How to Avoid Them

Let’s be frank: legitimate plumbing work isn’t cheap. Equipment, training, licensing, and fair wages can add up, which is why even simple plumbing jobs typically cost a few hundred dollars. The problem is that there are plenty of illegitimate plumbers who try to charge the same rates, or even higher. These plumbers may leave you


why does my faucet sputter when I turn it on?

Why Does My Faucet Sputter When I Turn It On?

Your faucet sputters when you turn it on because there is air trapped in the line. This is a very common plumbing issue in older homes and generally isn’t an emergency. By running the line, you’ve released the trapped air. So, in most cases, you don’t need to do anything about a single incident of


why is my kitchen sink leaking?

Why is My Kitchen Sink Leaking?

Kitchen sink leaks can be frustrating and are a potential source of damage to your home. If you’ve noticed even a small leak from the kitchen sink it is worth investigating. Much of the water, and therefore the damage, may be hidden from view. Here are a few reasons why your kitchen sink is leaking


what to do if your tap water tastes like plastic

What to Do If Your Tap Water Tastes like Plastic

When you expect a refreshing taste of cool water, it can be quite jarring to get a plastic taste instead. If your tap water tastes like plastic, fruit, or rubber, it’s wise to get to the bottom of the issue. Most causes of unusual tap water tastes are harmless, but sometimes tasting something unusual is


backflow testing: what is it and why do I need it?

Backflow Testing: What Is It and Why Do I Need It?

Ever stop to think what would happen if the pressure in your plumbing stopped working? While it’s a very out-of-sight, out-of-mind thing, your plumbing system is a very necessary part of your household, and we always expect that it will work every time. So when something unfortunate happens out of your sight, like a pipe


how long do septic tanks last

How Long Do Septic Tanks Last?

Everyone who owns a septic tank has wondered: how long do septic tanks last? After all, eventually you will have to replace the tank. The answer depends on what material your septic tank is made of and whether it’s been properly treated and maintained. We’ll explain how long you should expect your septic tank to



Choosing a Backflow Prevention Device

The plumbing system in your home gives you enough to worry about. Clogged drains, leaky pipes, old water heaters costing you thousands in utilities. Which is why many homeowners fail to think about the larger scale plumbing issues like backflow. This simple plumbing issue can actually be the most complex, and in many instances, it