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What to Expect When Repiping a House

what to expect when repiping a house

What happens if you need to replace all of the pipes in your home?

Seriously damaged or very old pipes may need to be outright replaced. This can be a great thing for your everyday life. Imagine better water pressure, no more worrying about leaks and condensation, and better efficiency of several appliances. However, the process of replacing all that pipe may seem daunting to homeowners. This guide will tell you what to expect when repiping a house.

Preparing for a Repiping

The preparation work for repiping is pretty straightforward. Your plumber should do a full inspection of the plumbing system of your home, estimating the length of pipe needed and the cost. They should discuss your new pipe options with you. Then they should provide you with a comprehensive estimate that explains what kind of pipe they’ll be placing in your home and the total cost to you.

Your plumber might also ask if you have leftover paint from the last time you painted your walls or a record of the specific colors you’ve used. During the repiping process, the plumbers will have to cut into some of your drywall in several spots in your home. They should replace the drywall and refinish it, but they will need to know the specific paint color.

During the Installation

During the installation, your plumbers will head into the home and set down tarps for the flooring, or for other items that could get damaged if the plumbing has a minor leak during the process of changing the pipe.

Installation may take a few days, depending on the size of the home. During this time, a plumber can typically limit the time that the water is shut off to a few hours a day. That being said, sometimes the pipes are so damaged or unsafe that the water must be turned off during the whole installation process.

Your plumber should tell you ahead of time how long they will need to keep the water off. If it’s a significant time, or it will interrupt your life too much, you may want to plan to stay with relatives, friends, or in a hotel.

After the Installation

Just before they finish the installation, your plumbers will perform a final test of the pipes before they leave. They should also ensure the walls are finished, alert you if anything is still drying, and otherwise clean up after themselves.

Now, you should be free to enjoy your new pipes, which should last the entire time you own the home (at least). However, sometimes small issues do crop up after a complete repiping. For example, you should note any signs of moisture around the new plumbing and let your plumber know right away so that they can fix the issue. You should also note any high-pitched squeals or other noises from any plumbing fixtures, as this may be a pressure problem that also needs to be fixed by the professionals.

A complete repiping may seem like a hassle, but it’s actually a great investment in the value of your home and your comfort in it.

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